Categories: Parole

Usual remarks

None waits me in the glares of my horizons. My whole life is missing parts but it’s still standing. I must grapple with some issues, such as a sense of guilt, but eventually I’ll mange it somehow. Cold feelings flow slowly inside of me and warm hearts sail quite far from my personal shores. I’m not the type of guy that relies on hopes and I prefer to face the truth as soon as possible. Someone wants to make me feel like I’m running out of chances but that trick is too cheap to scare me. The wheel of time is turning but I’m fine with that. I know for sure that the best part of me it has yet to be unveiled and in the meanwhile I try to improve myself as much as I can to live by wisdom. The shadows of mistakes can darken my mood for a short time but they never achieve my ruin. I’m far stronger than any defeat and I’m quite sure that I will have to prove it. Over and over, again.


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