Categories: Parole

As I breathe

The rays of light find me everywhere, even when the darkest clouds overrun the sky. The heat doesn’t affect me as is supposed to do and I don’t claim icy winds to regret the hot weather in a second time. My heart is an empty place where lays an uncommon form of happiness. I could give other shapes to my feelings but it’s not only up to me and soon or later the time will show me what I deserve. At the moment there aren’t secrets nor cracks in my inner walls. It sounds like an arrogant joke, but I think to be the right person for the wrong ones. The inner balance allows me to take care of every emotional weight and I don’t need anymore the pain to improve my sensitiveness. Maybe the young tears are the thickest and the realest, so, frankly, for me it’s meaningless trying to spend them for an entire life. When I look towards the future, I don’t fear the mortal end (or I should type that I don’t fear the reaper, like the refrain of a well known song) even if I don’t embrace any religion nor theory about the afterlife. My mind doesn’t play tricks on me and this is the reason why I treat her with respect. I love myself because I saved my life and this inward-looking relationship is the only that I’ve ever known. It happens quite often that my words get repetitive, especially the English ones, but it’s fine. In these days not many thoughts run through my head. During this summer, I hope to get enough money to plan a travel. I’ve already been in some places, but I don’t care about my final destination and I just wish to fly and roam. My life is a beautiful twenty-six years old entity. Love ya, darling.


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