Recently I had another call with my Romanian friend Bogdan. Until a few of months ago he was in north Italy but now he’s back in his hometown. It’s almost three years that I don’t meet him. This guy taught me a lot of things that I couldn’t have learnt from books. He never had trouble with law even if he broke it more than one time. Bogdan isn’t a dangerous guy but I think that he’ll go in jail someday. Every time I call him, he tells me about hustles and money. However he always has jokes and good memories to fill our conversations. Bogdan isn’t a lucky boy and he has many problems to solve but he knows many ways to get by. Once he lived one year in Orbetello with his parents to works and during his day off we played video games in my former house and in the evening we went out for a walk. We had a strange buddy in common but now that guy has big financial problems and Bogdan always asks me about him to have a good laugh. I haven’t close friends but I like and respect people who struggle to improve their lives. I’m almost twenty five years old and I still don’t care to get a bright future. My life is fine but I’ll always miss certain things. I already know a part of what will happen to me and this knowledge doesn’t scare me. Well, I hope to meet again Bogdan to say jokes and make fun of everything on this planet. At the bottom of this post I putted a video of a song by Parazitii that Bogdan used to listen while he was in Italy; that’s titled “Fuck You Romania”. Bagamias pula.
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