Categories: Parole

Foolish ways

Lately I’ve changed my running path and now I cover a distance of eighteen kilometers on an asphalted road while the previous distance was sixteen kilometers mainly along a pinewood. I met a strange man yesterday on the way back to home and I spent about twenty minutes to talk with him. He told me the story of his life but his tale was full of unusual facts. This man told me that he’s under medical treatment to cure his mental issues and he told me over and over about his dead father. I read much sorrow on his old face but I didn’t feel pity for him. He was afraid of something but I didn’t realize what he meant. He kept telling me that someone wanted to hurt him but I thought that he was lying. Drugs and alcoholics can fuck up forever a person and the guy that I met was a another clear example of self-destruction. I take care of my mind like a mother takes care of her children. Maybe somebody likes to cradle inner demons while the life goes on but I prefer other kinds of entertainment. In my humble opinion the emptiness isn’t as bad as it looks but it takes a bit of time to get used to it. The lack of will is a good business and every dealer can sell easily wrong remedies for the human worries. Some points of view can blind any form of wisdom without effort and some events can wipe out the weak beliefs. It’s funny and ironic how personal judgments can be totally wrong. I don’t understand how I could be a better person blaming someone else for my mistakes but somebody thinks that’s a good way of living. When I go wrong I laugh about my mistakes but I keep the faith in myself. It doesn’t concern me what people think as long as their thoughts cannot be called deeds. I like the stormy moments of life because I can feel the force of human will as described in a part of Nietzsche’s philosophy.


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