I find it hard to describe my thoughts in English because my writing style has less freedom than I can get it with Italian. Expressing myself in another language is like learning to walk again. I sometimes feel like a stranger in my own nation and this feeling makes me exalted. During the last months I’ve often heard the rain’s noise but I haven’t touched a wet woman yet in my entire life. The winter doesn’t bring me down and I enjoy every season of the year. It doesn’t matter if it’s cold or hot outside. Inside of me there is always a warm force that burns any kind of problems. I don’t care if my words sound artless or twisted. In many parts of the world people suffer and die but I don’t feel guilty about this. The nature is cruel but this is how things go in the world at this stage of human development. Maybe my thoughts are brutal but at least I’m honest and I don’t pretend to feel sorry. Some good purposes are made by lies and fake emotions and some people use them to look kindhearted. There are many cowards that claim to be part of a solution but I suppose that real heroes don’t waste their time waiting for claps. Every now and then someone tries to show me how the world can be changed but that kind of stuff makes me always laugh. All I can do is try to be a good person, right here, right now. I don’t bear burdens to avoid the void and I don’t need to fill my lifetime with any kind of reasons. The foolishness sets many traps to poison human lives with grief and sadness. I like being alone for long periods but this doesn’t mean that I dislike people. At the first sight loneliness can be scary but I think that is a great way to read inside of me and I’ll never be tired to repeat this.
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