Categories: Parole

Another language for the same things

I have chosen to write my coming remarks in English because my natural language has bored me. I can’t handle English as well as Italian and my grammar sucks donkey balls, but I don’t fear mistakes at all. Wherever I have been, I have always made myself understood. I don’t know how long I will keep this going. Maybe in the future I will switch back to Italian. The last days have been pleasant and they will not be the last ones. I am working on my second book and until now I have written twelve pages. Once more the main theme will concern introspection and this time there will be more conversations. The coming book is partially linked to previous one and I have no idea when I’ll be able to release it. I am not a writer and I don’t want to be one. I think it is funny that I am using English to describe my Italian stuff. Everyday my time is filled with quiet moments and there is no way my life can be weakened by any kind of sadness. My feelings are the healthy sons of a self-knowledge. Inside of me there isn’t place for beliefs but at the same time I trust in humankind’s strength. I try to look at myself beyond what happens to me. I keep doing my inner work because in the last couple of years I’ve been amazed by my personal growth. I suppose that a lot of people try to get some answers about world and life, but all I want is to know my mind’s rules. The everlasting questions of human existence don’t scare me and I don’t need to discover what commonly is called “truth”. My joy has a strange aspect and it seems like a form of serendipity. “Serendipity” can’t be translated in Italian, but I can feel his meaning.


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